Free phone

美 [friː foʊn]英 [friː fəʊn]
  • 网络免费电话;免费手机
Free phoneFree phone
  1. The advertisement give a free phone for you to call .


  2. M : but make sure you get a guaranteed seat on the next flight and a free phone call to whoever is meeting you on the other end .


  3. A free phone service offers tourists multilingual assistance 24 hours a day .


  4. IPhone users will be able to make free phone calls from today as Skype becomes available for the first time on the popular Apple gadget .


  5. We got free local phone calls .


  6. The free public phone is about ten meters from the room to the right .


  7. Now , with this free mobile phone manager software , you will have a chance to enhance your PC into a mobile world .


  8. Free smart phone apps might seem like a deal . But they can have a hidden cost : your phone 's battery life .


  9. Fully furnitured and appliances , water , electricity and cookers , free home phone ( after office hours ) .


  10. Google Voice provides users with a single free local phone number that will forward the call to up to six phones simultaneously when dialled .


  11. And Changle " agricultural show " is the use of mobile send message to focus the way to the farmers to provide free cell phone information service is welcomed by farmers .


  12. The morning after pill is to be given out free over the phone for the first time , under a scheme to be announced today .


  13. Feel free to use the phone .


  14. The downside of course is that your storage space is limited to the free capacity on your phone .


  15. Please feel free to post our phone numbers on your website so that your customers may place phone orders .


  16. And Mr. Turner got free advice over the phone from a personal-health coach provided by the firm .


  17. Of course , a big issue with using electronics in the car is distracted driving , but Apple says on its iOS 6 website that the system will be " eyes free . " The phone 's screen won 't light up when a voice command is received , for example .


  18. The service provides unlimited free calls to other voxox users , and new users get 100 minutes of free phone calls to non-voxox users .
